I hope you'll enjoy this excerpt from the second book of the trilogy, UNDER HIS WINGS.

From Book 2, Forbidden Reign, Chapter 16


As I reached toward the wall, I placed my hand against a wooden door that lit up at my touch. I gasped and tried to pull away, but my hand wouldn’t budge. The heat increased until unbearable in intensity.


I shouted, begging for the pain to stop. Fire pulsed through my arm and into my body until I felt like I’d been jolted by lightning.


I vaguely registered Henry trying to pull my hand free.


The singing grew loud as a roar.


Even in your suffering.


I ducked my head to muffle the sound. My body shook as the voice vibrated through my body.


Even in your pain.


The fire. The burn. Pulsing. Throbbing. Yes, I was in pain. Couldn’t it stop? I cried so loudly that I thought all of the Forbidden City must hear.


Even in your discomfort.


No. I didn’t want discomfort. I wanted to be a little girl with her mother, lulled to sleep, never having to know the pain of grief and trouble and persecution.


No to death! No to Lesaries needing to hide! No to Mom wasting all of our lives by running!


No, no, no.


I screamed for Mom, for the Lesaries, for the world and all of its groanings. I screamed until I emptied as much feeling as I could.


How long, Yeshua?


He was all I could think of, God in the form of a man who’d come to give me rest. He’d wiped the dirt from my feet with His hands and came to my world to minister to me.


“How long will we suffer?” I shouted.


Just when I thought my skin would melt, a voice boomed in my head.




Elohim’s presence settled in the room. My pain vanished.


A whistle shrilled through the air, like the wind crying. The air grew colder, picking up until a gust threw my hand away from the lit wall, and then it stopped.


I wiped tears. The wall revealed a doorway, the light from the other side streaming through. But instead of looking forward, I peered to my right at the painting. The mother who’d held her child at an altar now held the child in her arms.


You are my daughter, Elohim said. Beloved one.


Elohim rescued me from the pain of myself. And He would again. I could trust Him.


Henry rested a hand on my arm. “You okay?”


I smiled at him and nodded, knowing this time he could see me through the light. Something sticky covered Henry’s face, but it didn’t matter.


With renewed confidence, I pushed the door open—Henry right behind—and took my first step.

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Forbidden Reign. Copyright © 2023 by Amy Earls. All rights reserved. www.amyearls.com